Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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PD News

Personal Development Day 3


Race for life website slide


Merton College Catering Trip


Year 10 Hospitality and Catering students were invited to Merton College for a tour and a meal. Students were given a talk on the pathways available to them at Merton and were shown all the different areas.

Students visited the onsite hairdressing salon, the Engineering department, and the ICT suites. However, students seemed most wowed by the lecture theatre and Science departments, which included an extremely realistic mannequin in bed in the Health and Social Care room.

During the tour our students met the head chef, who spoke about what the Catering course entailed and students got an idea of how it feels to be ‘Back-of-House’.

To conclude our visit, the students were treated to a 2-course meal in the restaurant, where we bumped into two of last year’s year 11s. The staff complimented them on their behaviour and interest and said they would be looking forward to receiving some applications.


Merton lunch 3 Merton Lunch



December 2022 - Caribbean themed cooking competition

Year 10 participated in a Caribbean themed cooking competition, in which we came third.

The first place winners won because the judge loved their chocolate mousse.

Second place made a mango and blueberry crumble.

Angela, Elysha and Harmony cooked a delicious three course meal. Beef patties with a charred pineapple, mango and scotch bonnet sauce (made from scratch in situ); Curry chicken, rice and peas, with fried plantain; Ginger cake with candied ginger and cream.

They did fantastically well!



Personal Development Day 2

On Thursday 1st December we delivered our second Personal Development Day of the Academic year. On this day all students came off their normal timetable and were enrolled into a day of activities, workshops and presentations to develop and prepare our students for the “real world”.  The timetable for the day is below:

PD day 2.1

The students enjoyed a range of activities throughout he day.  Year 10 and Year 11 were inspired by a motivational speaker from Fix-Up!

They also listened to presentations from South Thames Colleges about their post-16 options. This talk focussed on different pathways such as apprenticesphps, A -Levels and the recently introduced T-Levels.

PD Day1.3


South thames            Unifrog 



Personal Development Day 1

On Friday 30th September we delivered our first Personal Development Day of the Academic year. On these days all students come off their normal timetable and are enrolled into a day of activities, workshops and presentations to develop and prepare our students for the “real world”.  

The Mental Health Awareness speaker, Aaron Martyn, linked an interactive musical performance to key themes of mental health and awareness. Students enjoyed the more relaxed atmosphere in the hall and the music was also superb. The Year 8 “Safety First” carousel of workshops covered areas of great importance including: Road Safety; Arson; Knife Crime; County lines.

The Year 8 Workshops were particularly important as they covered areas including: Road Safety; Arson; Knife Crime; County lines. Year 10 students also covered areas linked to this important topic area relating to dealing with change, conflict and knife crime. Year 9 students experienced a day based around broadening their horizons as they head towards taking their GCSE Options later in the school year. 

The Royal Navy presented to Year 9 students about careers within the Royal Navy. Students learned that there are over 100 different roles available and were given information about the different entrance routes and programmes.  

Year 7 students were also introduced to Unifrog. Unifrog is an online platform where students explore their interests and discover what career paths they can take to reach their goals. 


PD day 1.2