Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Rewards & Sanctions

The Academy believes that in order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, good behaviour in all aspects of Academy life is necessary. The Academy seeks to create a caring learning environment by:

  • Promoting good behaviour and discipline at all times
  • Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline and a proper regard for authority and positive relationships based on mutual respect
  • Ensuring fairness of treatment for all and accepting their differences
  • Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour
  • Providing a safe environment free from disruption and bullying


The Academy employs a number of sanctions to ensure good behaviour


Teacher detention - 15/30 minutes

Subject Area detention – 60 minutes

Co-ordinators detention – 90 minutes

Senior leadership Team detention - 120 minutes

Student referral centre (SRC)

The Student referral centre is a provision the Academy has put in place as a way of helping to prevent exclusions and to further improve behaviour.

For more serious infringements of the Academy, Behaviour Policy students will work in the SRC, under the supervision of the SRC manager, in isolation from Academy routines.

Student Rewards

The central aim of rewards is to encourage, manage and sustain good behaviour and positive achievement in all aspects of Academy life. The system is communicated to students in their planners and data is recorded on Bromcom.

Teachers can award students for their achievement pastorally and in the curriculum.

Pastoral Rewards

Tutors are required to reward students who meet all Academy expectations in a week. This award is the equivalent of  5 Harris Points and should only be issued if the student meets all of the following weekly requirements.

  • Planner in order and fully signed,
  • All equipment,
  • No negatives,
  • Perfect uniform,
  • 100% attendance,
  • 100% punctuality.

HAMD’s Community Challenge 

In the second half of each term, a Community Challenge is run with the entire school. Over this period, students are challenged to get the highest positive score. To achieve this, they are aiming to increase their Harris Positive events, however taking days off, any lates or negative events will decrease their overall Challenge score. Upon completion, there is a variety of prizes that take place in the final week of each term. This ranges from FCO awards, tutor group breakfasts, SLT lunches and queue jump tickets.  

Lexia Awards  

Our Librarian and Literacy teachers can award a variety of awards for good progress and achievement in accelerated Reading lessons.  


Any student who attends an enrichment activity must be awarded one Harris Positive event by the teacher of that session.  

Inter-Faculty Recognition  

At Harris Academy Morden, there are many Inter-Faculty competitions. These take the form of competitions organised by each of the four Faculties.  

Faculty of the Year Award

Further, students with 100% attendance for each term will be awarded a certificate.

The rewards and certificates accumulated by a Faculty will be used as one means to determine which Faculty achieves Faculty of the Year. Other deciding factors will include overall attendance, punctuality and sports day event winners. The Faculty who achieves first place will be awarded the Faculty of the Year Shield, which will be presented by the Principal at the end of year Celebration Assembly.  

Principal’s Commendations  

These are special awards given out at the Principals discretion. Students will have been seen to make an outstanding contribution to the Academy.