Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Careers And Further Education


The central aim of Harris Academy Morden is to provide effective education and training for all of our students. Through a well-structured and highly effective programme of CEIAG we believe that all students can develop their Courage, personal Challenge and future Success both in school and on into adult life. By working in partnership with external agencies, businesses and members of our community we will provide accurate and focussed careers information, advice and guidance tailored to the individual needs of our students, and thereby enable all of our students to make informed choices about their career pathways. All our Career's policies and plans are reviewed termly. 

The idea of a ‘job for life’ has disappeared, with many people working in jobs that simply didn't exist only 5-10 years ago.  It is important to recognise the exciting new opportunities that are available and to gain the knowledge, skills and expertise that will enable students to work in those new areas.

Staff members responsible:

Careers Lead

Assistant Principal for Personal Development

Miss Pereira Sa


0208 687 1157

Mr G. Harvie


0208 687 1157

The HAMD careers entitlement

All students in years 7-11 are entitled to:

  1. Access to a planned careers programme relevant to their year group
  2. Access to a qualified, impartial and independent careers adviser for personalised guidance
  3. Access information about the world of work and labour market
  4. Access information and guidance about higher education, training and employment opportunities
  5. Develop personal and enterprise skills to improve their employability
  6. Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  7. Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
  8. Be informed about how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
  9. Access to a curriculum rich in information about careers and the world of work.
  10. Access a programme of CEIAG which challenges stereotypes and discrimination, and promotes equality and diversity in training and in the workplace.


    Through a planned programme of CEIAG that takes a full 11-16 approach, Harris Academy Morden (HAMD) seeks to help all students to take their place as suitably qualified and responsible adults within society. HAMD endeavours to provide independent and impartial careers guidance throughout students’ time at the Academy to support career and option choice, raising the aspirations and achievement of individual students and equipping them with skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning.

    We aim to enable young people to learn about careers, learning and work so that they can manage their own development and make life choices and decisions that will benefit their own wellbeing and contribute to the wellbeing of others. We take a skills-centred approach to CEIAG alongside providing guidance and support.

    HAMD aims to deliver a broad, balanced and connected CEIAG curriculum that addresses young people’s entitlement and provides students with personal, social and employability skills alongside the knowledge and understanding to support:

  1. Self-development through careers and work-related education (understanding themselves and the influences on them)
  2. Learning about careers and the world of work.
  3. Career Management (developing skills for career wellbeing and employability)


Useful Websites

The following websites can help you to look at the different careers that are available.

  • The National Careers Service website has over 700 careers profiles providing information on the skills and qualifications required.
  • Start is a free online careers platform to connect 11-18 year old with their future career potential.
  • Prospects gives detailed job information and links to advice on writing CVs and cover letters.
  • icould offers first-hand information about careers, including videos, as well as labour market information.
  • LMI for All is an online data portal, which connects and standardises labour market information (LMI) with the aim of informing careers decisions.
  • How2Become.com is one of the UK’s leading careers and educational information and development websites. From here, you can learn how to write a CV, how to complete an application form, how to pass psychometric tests and also how to perform well in a job interview.
  • Unifrog online platform that all students have subscribed to https://www.unifrog.org The online platform which helps students to compare every opportunity, then apply successfully. We also empower teachers and counselors to manage the progression process effective. 
  • https://www.springpod.com/ this site allows you to complete virtual work experience with leading employers free of charge.         

For the Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy please go to our Key Information page.


Quality in Careers Standard Commitment Statement

At Harris Academy Morden, our aim is to provide a well-structured and effective CEIAG programme to raise the aspirations and achievements of individual students and equip them with the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding as a foundation for managing their lifelong career and learning.

Careers education, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) is a fundamental part of our curriculum, hence the reason we are committed to achieving the Quality in Careers Standard.

The Quality in Careers Standard is the single national quality award that recognises excellence in careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges, and work-based learning organisations. The Quality in Careers Standard consists of a professional and independent external assessment and accreditation of the CEIAG provision and ensures that learning providers fulfil their statutory obligations and are inspired to continuously improve their careers programmes.

Harris Academy Morden are looking forward to achieving the Quality in Careers Standard, and we are working hard to ensure that our Careers programme continues to meet the national requirements, the industry standards and follows the best practice from professional research and evidence.


Page Downloads

HAMD Careers Map 2023 24 21st Nov 2023 Download
October Careers Newsletter 20th Dec 2023 Download
Careers Newsletter Jan 24 07th Feb 2024 Download
The Parents Guide to NCW 2024 13th Mar 2024 Download
Careers Newsletter May 24 13th May 2024 Download

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