Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Student Leadership & Council

Student Leadership

At Harris Academy Morden we are committed to giving students a range of opportunities to take on responsibility. Throughout their time at the academy, our students will be called upon to act as tour guides, volunteer for the student council, take part in assemblies or read the Harris Homily.

Students in Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 are now invited to become a Prefect or a Peer Mentor. When considering applications we take into account attendance, punctuality, behaviour and nominations from staff. The most suitable applicants from Year 11 will be considered for the roles of Senior Prefect, Head Boy and Head Girl and will be interviewed for these positions by the Principal.

Student leaders are expected to stand out in the student body, not simply because they wear a badge and have a Prefect tie,  but because they act as role models for younger students and ambassadors for our academy. They are highly visible at events such as Open Evenings and Induction Days and may be called upon to guide visitors, give speeches or represent the academy at external events.

The Prefect Body meets half-termly and individuals are encouraged to contribute towards the development of student leadership at the academy.

Becoming a student leader at Harris Academy Morden not only helps to develop a young person’s self-confidence, but also helps them to stand out on college and job applications when they progress to Post16, Further or Higher Education.

Student Council

The Student Council meets half-termly

 It comprises form representatives from each tutor group, chosen by election at the start of the academic year. We have also elected a Chair and a Vice Chair, who will lead our meetings

The Student Councilors contribute their views to a number of aspects of academy life, for example, facilities available at break and lunchtime, the charities supported by each faculty, trips and activities offered during AEE weeks and the memorial for a former member of staff.

The Student Council has led on improving the sports facilities at our school so that students are able to play basketball, football and table tennis at lunchtimes.

Harris Student Commission

The Harris Student Commission, who are a group of approximately 12 Students from Y7-Y10, complements the work of the Student Council. The commission is comprised of our Most Able Students and our students who exceed expectations. They undertake an action research project within school to drive improvements in teaching and learning as strive for educational excellence. Last year the group conducted an investigation about revision techniques, which they presented to all the other Harris Secondary Academies at the Student Commission Conference. This year they will investigate which type of feedback leads to the most progress for all groups of pupils.