Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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SMSC, PSHE, RSE & Citizenship

On Wednesday 6th December we held our virtual Parent and Carer PSHE and RSHE information evening. The presentation was an introduction and an overview of the great work we do here at Harris Academy Morden to Safeguard our students and prepare them for the “real world”. It also highlighted our responsibilities as educators and the responsibilities of our parents/carers. Parents were given the opportunity to engage with the programme and ask questions prior to the event to guide the content delivery. A copy of the presentation can be accessed from the downloads at the bottom of this webpage or viewed below. 

Parent and Carer PSHE and RSHE Information Evening 

PSHE, RSE, SMSC, Wellbeing and Citizenship Overview 2023-24

The aim of the PSHE, SMSC and Citizenship programmes at HAMD is to guide students during their personal development so they become happy, productive and conscientious members of society equipped with the skills, knowledge and experiences to make positive changes to their lives and to the lives of the wider global community.

We expect students to understand the benefits of living and learning in Great Britain; to understand the freedoms this provides and the values we must all aspire to uphold in our everyday lives. This area of the curriculum has been tailored to ensure that all students are ready for the challenges of life in the 21st century and deals with important, and at times challenging, topics such as e-Safety, radicalisation, sexual health, FGM, bullying and child sexual exploitation.

This Academy will deliver this element of our students’ education through a range of programs, such as: Form Tutor Activities; Assemblies; SMSC & Wellbeing Days; and the curriculum.

The Academy programmes will:

  • enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England;
  • encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely;
  • enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England;
  • further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures;
  • encourage respect for other people; and
  • encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.


The planned programmes will ensure students understand and have appropriate knowledge of:

  • how citizens can influence decision-making through the democratic process;
  • an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety;
  • an understanding that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary, and that while some public bodies such as the police and the army can be held to account through Parliament, others such as the courts maintain independence;
  • an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law;
  • an acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour; and
  • an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination.

How is this delivered?

PSHE is delivered through a range of Form Tutor time activities and through workshops, educational visits and classroom-based learning during our whole school Personal Development days. 

The main themes within the PSHE curriculum that are revisited at various stages throughout our students’ time at HAMD are: healthy body, healthy mind, healthy relationships and healthy choices.   By the end of their schooling, students at HAMD will have developed an increasingly deep understanding of a range of issues ranging from: diet; drug and alcohol abuse; resilience and growth mind-set; sex and positive relationships; avoiding the dangers of gangs; understanding the effects of the media.


Citizenship is delivered through our Form Tutor time activity programme coupled with Personal Development days in which students from Years 7-11 take part in a range of activities focusing on: exploring and celebrating the diverse and inclusive world we live in; understanding how to live a healthy, active lifestyle and lay the foundations we need to live a long and healthy life; learning to make the right life choices and understanding the repercussions of our actions.

Students learn about all aspects of Citizenship throughout their time at HAMD; some of the main themes explored in depth include: democracy; rights and responsibilities; the work of the three branches of government; electoral systems; multiculturalism and crucially to our SMSC programme, being an active citizen.

There are many aspects of the Academy life that link into the PSHE, SMSC and Citizenship education of our students. These include Student Council activities, Year group Prefect roles, Head Boy and Head Girl / Principal meetings and CIIT events to name a few.

We are very proud of the holistic education the students are provided, to ensure they develop into young adults we can all be proud of.

Tutor time provision 

Key information: 

  • 2 x 30min session to be delivered by form tutors each week 
  • Topics will be planned, but the order and content are subject to change dependent on global events. 
  • All students will take part in the “Jigsaw 11-16 PSHE Programme”, specific to their year groups plan.
  • The PSHE, SMSC and Wellbeing programme will start in the 1st week of the Autumn term (Au1) and take place every week thereafter. 


In the 2023-24 academic year, our PSHE & Citizenship Personal Development Days are: 

PD Day




PD Day 1




PD Day 2




PD Day 3


Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week


PD Day 4


National Careers Week


PD Day 5


National Children’s Day UK


PD Day 6


Healthy Active Lifestyles



Core PSHE Sessions in Autumn Term for all year groups (7-11 inclusive).

Key content identified for integration into PSHE tutor activities (1 session per week) 

Session 1 

Session 2 

Session 3 

Session 4 

Session 5 

Session 6 

British Values 

Gangs and County Lines 


Female genital mutilation (FGM) 

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) 

Domestic Violence 


Individual Year group PSHE Programme – 1 session per week inline with Tutorial Programme schedule

Year 7

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me

Unique me, differences & conflict, my influences, peer pressure, online safety, sexting, consequences, online legislation

Bullying, prejudice & discrimination, Equality Act, bystanders, stereotyping, challenging negative behaviour and attitudes

Celebrating success, identifying goals, employment, learning from mistakes,  overcoming challenges, planning

skills, safe & unsafe choices, substances, gangs, exploitation, emergency first aid

Stress and anxiety, managing mental health, physical activity and mental health, effects

of substances, nutrition, sleep, vaccination and immunisation, importance of information on making health choices

Characteristics of healthy relationships, healthy romantic relationships, consent, relationships and change, emotions

within friendships, being discerning, assertiveness, sexting

Puberty changes, FGM, breast flattening/ironing, responsibilities of parenthood, types of committed relationships, happiness

and intimate relationships, media and self-esteem, self-image,

brain changes in puberty, sources of help and support




Year 8

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me

Self-identity, family and identity, stereotypes, personal beliefs and judgements, managing expectations, first impressions, respect for the beliefs of others.

Active listening

Positive change made by others, how positive behaviour affects feelings of wellbeing, social injustice, inequality, community cohesion and support, multi- culturalism, race and religion, prejudice, LGBT+ bullying

Long-term goals, skills, qualifications, careers, money and happiness,

ethics and mental wellbeing, budgeting, variation in income, positive and negative impact of money, online legal responsibilities, gambling issues

Long-term physical health, responsibility for own health, dental health, stress triggers, substances and

mood, legislation associated with substances, exploitation and substances, medicine, vaccinations, immunisation

Blood donation

Positive relationship with self, social media and relationship with self, negative self-talk, managing a range of relationships, personal space, online etiquette, online privacy

and personal safety, coercion, unhealthy balance of power in relationships, sources of support

Types of close intimate relationships, physical attraction, legal status of relationships, behaviours in healthy and unhealthy romantic relationship, pornography, sexuality,

alcohol and risky behaviour



Year 9

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me

Perceptions about intimate relationships, consent, sexual exploitation, peer approval, grooming, radicalization,

county lines, risky experimentation, positive and negative self- identity, abuse and coercion, coercive control

Protected characteristics, Equality Act, phobic and racist language, legal consequences of bullying and hate crime, sexism, ageism, positive and negative language, banter, bullying in the workplace, direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, victimisation.

Prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping

Personal strengths, health goals, SMART planning, links between body image and mental health, non- financial dreams and goals, mental health and ill health, media manipulation, self-harm, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression.

Misperceptions about young peoples’ health choices, physical and psychological effects of alcohol, alcohol and the law, alcohol dependency, drug classification, supply and possession legislation, emergency situations,

first aid, CPR, substances and safety, sources of advice and support

Power and control in intimate relationships,

risk in intimate relationships, importance of sexual consent, assertiveness skills, sex and the law, pornography and stereotypes, contraception choices, family planning, STIs, support and advice services

Mental health stigma, triggers, support strategies, managing emotional changes, resilience and how to improve it, reflection on importance of sleep in relation to mental health, reflection

on body and brain changes, stereotypes



Year 10


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Changing Me

Human rights, societal freedom, understanding safety in UK and beyond, ending relationships safely, stages of grief, loss and bereavement, social media

and culture, use of online data, threats to online safety, online identity, assessing and managing risk

Equality including in the workplace, in society, in relationships.

Equality and vulnerable groups. Power and control

Impact of physical health in reaching goals, relationships and reaching goals, work/life balance, connections and impact on mental health, benefits of helping others, online profile and impact on future goals

Improving health, sexual health, blood-borne infections, self- examination, diet and long-term health, misuse of prescription drugs, common mental health disorders, positive impact of volunteering, common threats

to health including chronic disease, epidemics, misuse of antibiotics

Organ donation Stem cells

Sustaining long-term relationships, relationship choices, ending relationships safely, consequences of relationships ending e.g. bullying, revenge porn, grief-cycle. Divorce and separation, impact of family breakup on children, understanding love, fake news and rumour- mongering, abuse in teenage relationships.

Legislation, support and advice

Impact of societal change on young people, role of media on societal change, reflection on change so far and how to manage

it successfully, decision making, sexual identity gender, spectrum of sexuality, stereotypes

in romantic relationships, sexual identity and risk, family change, sources of support.


Year 11

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Being Me in My World

Celebrating Difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy Me


Equality in relation to disability including hidden, consequences of not adhering to Equality Act, employers’ responsibilities, benefits of multicultural societies, impact of unfair treatment on mental health,

misuse of power, campaigning for equality

Equality including in the workplace, in society, in relationships.

Equality and vulnerable groups. Power and control

Aspiration on; career, finances, relationships, health. Skills identification, realistic goals, gambling, financial pressure, debt, dream jobs, skill set, education and training options, long- term relationship

dreams and goals, parenting skills and challenges, resilience, what to do when things go wrong.

Managing anxiety and stress, exam pressure, concentration strategies, work- life balance, sexual health, hygiene, self- examination, STIs, sexual pressure, fertility, contraception, pregnancy facts and myths,

identifying a range of health risks and strategies for staying safe

Stages of intimate relationships, positive and negative connotations of sex, protecting sexual and reproductive health, safely ending relationships, spectrum of gender and sexuality, LGBT+ rights and protection under the Equality Act, “coming out” challenges, LGBT+ media stereotypes, power, control and sexual experimentation, forced marriage, honour-based

violence, FGM and other abuses, hate crime, sources of support


Harris Academy Morden Pastoral Intervention Offer 2023-2024

Level 1: In-house support:

  • Careers Advisor
  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) intervention.
  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
  • Emotional Regulation intervention
  • Food parcels
  • Free School Meals uniform voucher
  • Hardship fund for school uniform and shoes
  • Health and Safety Risk Assessment.
  • Lego based Therapy (Social Communication programme)
  • One to one support
  • Phone-calls home by Tutor/Faculty Coordinator
  • Mediation between students /between a child and their parent
  • Meetings by Tutor/Faculty Coordinator
  • Part-time Timetable (individual support for a pupil – tailored to meet their specific need)
  • PSHE, SMSC and Wellbeing programme
  • Medical cards
  • Safe space in school
  • Safety Plan: Initiate a plan to support the student to keep safe.
  • Team around the Child/Family meeting
  • Truancy bus - support for parents who are struggling with their children who refuse to come to school in the morning.
  • Welfare visits to family home

Provision provided by the Student Referral Centre (SRC)

  • Individual Intervention Plan
  • Pastoral Support Plan
  • One to one support and advice sessions – (Extended targeted sessions conducted with students completing long stay SRC)
  • Sanction related PowerPoint sessions
  • One to one friendship support group
  • Conflict mediation
  • Anti-Bullying intervention and support
  • Anti Bullying student ambassadors
  • Self-Esteem workshop
  • Peer Leaders to support Year 7 tutor groups transitioning
  • Football Beyond Borders Intervention
  • Anxiety/mental health support (1:1 and small group work)
  • Strengthening Minds anger management programme (small group work)
  • Y7 Transition programme – (small group work)

Between the Lines (small group work)

Level 2: Early help:

  • CATCH 22 - work with young people and families in trouble, providing early intervention, targeted and specialist support services to those in crisis, leaving care, missing from home or with substance misuse or mental health problems
  • Children Missing from Education
  • Counsellor – in-house Catch 22
  • Wave 6 Cluster group - targeted for students struggling with anxiety to be supported by an Education Wellbeing Practitioner
  • Free2B offer support to LGBTQ+ pupils and their families.
  • Glasshouse Project – for students with family members in prison or are victims of crime.
  • Jigsaw4u - bereavement and emotional support
  • Jigsaw4u – ‘Piece of Mind’ - 1:1 support for emotional wellbeing
  • Jigsaw4u – young runaways service to support young people
  • Merton Medical Education Service (Lavender Campus) – for students struggling with significant medical or mental health needs
  • My Futures Team (support young people aged 13-19 in Merton at risk of becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
  • Signpost families towards ‘One Stop Shop’ which is a confidential service for people experiencing domestic violence or abuse in Merton. Venue: Morden Baptist church – 9.30-12noon every Monday.
  • Off the Record counselling service
  • Parenting programme
  • School nurse Hamimah Semambo.
  • Social Prescribing: https://enablelc.org/cypmerton (offer 6 sessions of counselling to students 14+
  • Social Worker in Schools Project – The Social worker can offer support to any family residing in Merton. Keisha Coleman
  • Spectra (Sexual health and emotional wellbeing).
  • Victim Support: 0808 16 89 111.
  • Young Carers

Level 3:

  • Referral to Children’s social care (CSC) for targeted intervention. Student placed on a Child in Need Plan
  • Contextual Safeguarding Intervention: Child Sexual Exploitation, Child Criminal Exploitation, Missing, Serious Youth violence.
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND):
  • Educational Psychologist to consider whether an assessment of student’s SEND is required
  • SENCo to complete an assessment for an Educational Health Care Plan (assessment of students SEND)
  • Referral for a Speech and Language assessment
  • Consultation with a CAMHS clinician for a student displaying mental health concerns.
  • Referral to Child Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) for a mental health or neuro-development assessment
  • Youth Offending team intervention when a student receives a Youth referral order
  • CAMHs crisis line number: 020 3228 5980 – Open between Monday-Friday 5pm -11pm
  • Saturday-Sundays and Bank holidays 9am - 11pm.
  • Rae Project - a recovery programme for 9 to 16 year old's exposed to Domestic Violence in the home.


Level 4:

  • Referral to (CSC) for targeted intervention requiring a student to be placed on a Child Protection Plan – DSL will attend every meeting on and off site. The student will be monitored closely, and the DSL will work as part of a multi-agency team to support the student and their family.


Mr Sparks – Principal

Mr Humber -  Vice Principal

Mr Stewart – Coordinator or PSHE, SMSC and Wellbeing

September 2023